You are reading the archives for January 2011.

Thanks to All for a Great Clean Up Day!

  • Posted on January 24, 2011 at 9:53 pm

I just wanted to pass on a big THANK YOU for everyone’s hard work on Saturday. The school looks great! And on a personal note, I completely appreciate the Bourgault family taking over light removal duty – a ladder with a kid strapped to your back just isn’t easy!

February is coming up and is full of field trips, holidays, parties, and of course, the BOARD MEETING. We will finalize 2011-12 contracts, tuition rates, by-laws, and the parent handbook (all will be voted on at the March Parent Meeting). We will also be discussing…yes, the spring fundraiser. We’d love to have you attend – February 9th at 6:00 p.m. or drop us a note or email about any questions or concerns you have.

Thanks again for a fabulous Clean-Up Saturday!

Happy New Year!

  • Posted on January 13, 2011 at 11:10 am

Welcome back to all of our students and families. 2011 brings us many opportunities to renew and honor not only ourselves but our valued connections, relationships, and special places. Of course, that brings to my mind our very special place–the preschool. This month on Saturday, January 22, at 8:30 am, we’ll have the opportunity to spruce up, clean up, and refurbish our “little gem of a school”. As an All School Event, you’ll meet and get to know more members of our community and get a chance to “honor” a place we all hold dear. See you on Saturday, Jan 22nd!! There is a sign up board for specific jobs on the porch. Please remember to bring any tools or supplies you may need to complete the task you sign up for.

This month we will be taking field trips to California Gold Gymnastics here in Paso. See the classroom doors for more details. We’ll also be having a scheduled practice fire drill before the end of the month. No worries, we’ll let you know ahead so you can talk about it with your child. We will be talking about it in the classrooms, too.

Hope your new year is off to a great start. February will bring us more new adventures and events so stay tuned!