Just a reminder that there is a MANDATORY parent meeting coming up! It is scheduled for Thursday, March 10, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. There are a number of important issues that will be discussed so it is important that we see all of you there!

At the meeting we will be voting to approve the bylaws for the year. Please review them prior to the meeting so you will be prepared to approve them. They are posted at the school and were sent out this week via email. If you have any questions regarding the bylaws, please contact any member of the Board of Directors or Mary Cramer.

Our Spring Fundraiser will be one of the main discussion points at the parent meeting. Lots of important information will be given out so be sure to be there. We have decided to have a Spring Picnic! This event is set for Saturday, May 14, 2011. At the parent meeting you will be given information on what is required of you as well as being able to sign up for your working shift. Working shifts will vary from providing bake sale or auction items to working at the event to assisting with set up/clean up. Parents will be allowed to sign up on a first come, first serve basis.

We will be implementing a new system for job sign up: when you arrive at the meeting and sign in, you will be given a number which will correspond to the order that you will be called to choose your job. We will start handing out numbers 10 minutes prior to the start of the meeting! Be assured that the Board of Directors has worked hard to keep all requirements for this fundraiser as simple as possible. Please direct any specific questions about this process or the fundraiser itself to Shannon Gann (cell: 471-3676, email: ag1130@wildblue.net, or MWF Mrs. Burrows’ class)

We will also be discussing registration for next year so be sure not to miss this meeting!